This picture of a MAN is just a resemblance. Prophecies or predictions are in coded words. Only time will tell what Dajjal actually is. The more precise meaning of Dajjal is a time, a period when humans will suffer a lot. Another meaning of Dajjal is Fitna, unrest, chaos. The signs and symbols of this Dajjal are becoming more apparent with every passing day. Now it just has to fully reveal itself. It will be the last Dajjal (fitna or unrest) on earth and it will be wiped out completely no matter how strong it might be.![](
The actual facts and figures will be more or less different than what it is presented here. Different religions, cults and groups have different views about the topics discussed here. The reason to write about this topic are the brilliant predictions of great people or groups of people from all over the world who tell the people who are non-muslims (yes, all the false predictions, thoughts, ideas etc affect only those who do not believe and have faith in one god or those who are muslim but of weak faith) that we are going to die and the world is about to end on some specified year, month and day. Nobody can truly predict how our time on planet Earth is going to End. Nobody but the Creator who created all the Universe and everything within.
Just watch this movie, documentary or whatever and think. Sometimes I myself think that the true meaning of Dajjal is not a person with one eye but a system which will create chaos and disturbance throughout the world. Another reason to believe or to think, is the fact that many of the Holy, religious predictions about different issues are in code words. Code words are not something which can be understood by the majority. Only people with deeper understanding can truly understand or explain what it actually is talking about.
I do remember reading a translation of Nostradamus's prediction in which he talked about murder of two brothers in west. Over the years it turns out that it was about the incident of 9/11. Two brothers were the two towers of WTC. So after watching the movie, I would like to say, that the people who behind the iconic symbol of one eye, which many muslims stupidly or not so stupidly think is the eye of the Greatest ever Dajjal (a human being), knows very well what they going to do over the years. I also wonder, what is the true meaning of the second coming of Jesus Christ? Is Jesus really about to descend from the skies riding on some flying disk accompanying with the big headed human-alike beings of other planet? Or the second coming of Jesus is something else. Muslims usually and in general do not bother to waste their time thinking about such issues because the general concept among muslims is, do good(welfare and charity), avoid bad(sins), believe and have faith in One God(practice Islamic teachings), Die and hope to enter into Paradise. Paradise is obviously a place which is obviously not on this planet earth. Adam and Eve came from someplace else and when we die, our soul or spirit leaves our flesh body and fly away to some unknown place. And all this happen in another dimension which is beyond our sight and senses.
It also seems like that some of the countries have actually developed space-crafts or air-crafts more closely resembles to that of extra-terrestrial flying machines. One thing I can speak for sure and that is, not a single muslim country is capable enough to match the technological advancements of the non-muslim countries. The military capabilities of Pakistan is mainly to counter balance Indian threat or the threat of any other regional power.
Just watch the movie " Thrive ". You will see the one eye symbol. The biggest symbol of the last Dajjal on earth. Well, we can not stop it coming. It is something which has to be done. Its almost upon us. Once fully revealed, will last for sometime and like any other Dark forces, it will than be wiped out from the face of the planet earth no matter how strong it might become.
Just a side note: It seems like, Evil basically means, anything which is against the directions of GOD, the ONE creator and Good basically means, anything which is inclined with the directions of God, the One creator. Evil is from the creations because they have been given a free will. Free will, to choose from Right or Wrong. Creations with Free-Will wants to dominate other creations. Creator wants them to live in peace and harmony but creations with Free-will wants to dominate. For domination, they do things which creates imbalance. When the imbalance crosses a certain limit, than the forces of Good becomes active. Good than tries to normalize the imbalance created by creations who created imbalance and this normalization of evil imbalance sometimes results into complete wipe out of the evil.
Well lets see what happens.
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