Well, recently I was reading a part of a book being published in ummat newspaper daily or couple times a week. As I was reading and thinking and imagining how it might be as if I'm watching the events described in parts of that book about prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), so, something clicke my mind or a thought came about the disc like unidentified flying objects many of us are vitnising throughout the world, smaller or bigger ones. So, there is this mentioning of clouds covering the sun to cast a shadow over prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and in some older events which took place before the time period of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), so the thought came into my mind was that, the clouds covering the prophet from sun rays, the clouds raining over some specific places or people of highly good nature and lightning bolts and Angel Gabriel coming from skies on some sort of humongous airship (in old days, they were using different terms to describe flying objects, like flying donkey, flying horse etc), so, the thought was that the clouds covering prophet, clouds bringing rain, clouds casting mild shadows and bringing blessings or death to some specific places or people were nothing but the same flying discs and or other huge alien aircrafts we see flying past so fast that they seems like a falling star and even if they appear differently we try to fool ourselves that what we saw is not real and just a imagination with no physical existence.
Well the thought appears in my mind about the size of the space craft might be used by the Angel Gabriel is like this (just to resemble that size if a person standing on a mountain looking upward, the space craft of Angel Gabriel said to be so big that it was covering the whole sky). Using a tablet to type words is somewhat time consuming with all the stupid suggested words *sigh*. So, excuse for any silly words in between. What i have seen are the objects appeared as some sort of light bulbs, little yellowish, bluish and white in color. How big they were? maybe the size of the National Stadium, Karachi, maybe a little more bigger. Why or how? because they are always way above near the highest level of clouds, mostly like a bulb and disappears in 10th of a second. In the picture, the white smoke like thing is like a artificial clouds formation or generation of artificial clouds or smoke to cover up. Well, anyway, old scriptures tells a lot of fairy tale unbelievable sort of stories about these things. So, its nothing new. Only that we still dont know what they really are. Why we still dont know? well! we humans have this bad habit of hiding or denying truth and giving out the information we think is appropriate enough for others.
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